Quarantine and the associated ‘downtime’ can lead to great creativity and planning.  While you’re self-isolating, why not investigate land and development opportunities?  Perhaps you have a large garden and you’ve wondered whether it has development potential?  Maybe you’d considered selling off a portion of land at some stage, but you didn’t really know where to start?  Why not talk to us now about the possibility of enhancing your plot value, subject to planning, with a new dwelling design?

It’s important, obviously, to consider green belt and conservation constraints and to be sensitive to neighbouring properties; we always review the planning restrictions and requirements, and development considerations of each individual situation at the outset.  All the initial research and investigation can be completed remotely, via phone and video conferencing, meaning that you’ll be ahead of the curve once current restrictions are lifted.

Making money from land

Land development can be a rewarding way in which to maximise the potential of your current plot; acquiring planning consent for a second home on your existing land can free up a serious amount of capital at a time when returns on other investments are less attractive.  We know, however, that it’s easy to be put off by complicated and time-consuming planning permission procedures.

We can put together an initial feasibility and viability assessment, factoring in site preparation, land remediation, build costs and all professional fees, and then by working with you through the design and planning minefields.  We can also offer sensible funding advice where needed.

If you feel that this may be of interest, please contact us for more information or advice on your plot specifics or to find out more about investment opportunities.

Nick Barlow


01932 559 150